VFR in IFR: A possible use for Apple Vision Pro

Apple Vision Pro (henceforth — AVP) is going to fail. It is going to fail, because no matter how good it is (and I’m sure it’s very good), it is too expensive for day to day use. Prices start at $USD 3500 and for some strange graspy reason, they charge another $400 to move from 256Gb to 1Tb.
However … one cool killer (or rather, anti-killer) industrial application I thought of is “reality when it’s not available” or “VFR in IFR”.
JFK Junior died because he couldn’t see the horizon and got confused. He wasn’t rated for IFR, just VFR.
With the “Reality when it’s not available” app, a pilot could just put on his AVP when they suddenly lose visibility or get confused and they will be seeing the world as if it is the middle of a cloudless day again.
There are almost 500K pilots in the US and only 150K of them are instrument rated.