If you want to play at home:


  • Mistral provides three models through their API
  • They are not has good as GPT 4, but seem all around the GPT 3.5 level
  • The smaller models lose details and pull data from outside the provided texts

“Summarize this chapter” using model “Mistral Medium”

Interesting to note that Mistral is figuring out things “outside” the Context, e.g. that we are reading The Iliad. The summary is not nearly as complete as GPT, but captures many the key points.

This is Mistral’s best model.

In this chapter, the Greeks are suffering from a plague that was sent by Apollo because Agamemnon refused to release his captive Chryseis, despite the pleas of her father, a priest of Apollo. Achilles calls a council and encourages the prophet Chalcas to reveal the cause of the plague. Chalcas tells them that it is because of Agamemnon’s refusal to release Chryseis. Agamemnon is forced to send her back, but in retaliation, he takes Achilles’ captive, Briseis. Achilles is furious and withdraws himself and his forces from the rest of the Greeks. He complains to his mother, Thetis, who asks Zeus to help the Trojans in order to make the Greeks realize the wrong they have done to her son. Zeus agrees, but this angers his wife, Hera. The debate between them runs high, until they are reconciled by the god Hephaestus. The time of twenty-two days is taken up in this book: nine during the plague, one in the council and quarrel of the princes, and twelve for Zeus’s stay with the Ethiopians, at whose return Thetis prefers her petition. The scene lies in the Grecian camp, then changes to Chrysa, and lastly to Olympus.

Mistral Small

The summary is low end OK, but it seems to be going to its knowledge base rather than the provided texts for the summary — e.g. it knows this is the Iliad. It has changed the spelling of “Chalcas” to “Calchas”, and it seems to be losing the end of the chapter.

The chapter tells the story of the conflict between Achilles and Agamemnon, two of the main characters in the epic poem “Iliad” by Homer. The conflict begins when Chryses, the father of Chryseis, a captive woman given to Agamemnon, comes to the Greek camp to ransom her. Agamemnon refuses and dismisses Chryses insolently, leading Chryses to pray to Apollo for vengeance. Apollo sends a plague upon the Greeks, and Achilles calls a council to determine the cause. The seer Calchas attributes the plague to the refusal of Chryseis, and Agamemnon is forced to return her to her father. In revenge, Agamemnon takes Briseis, a captive woman given to Achilles, leading to Achilles’ withdrawal from the Greek forces. Achilles complains to his mother, Thetis, who supplicates Jupiter to render the Greeks sensible of the wrong done to her son. Jupiter grants her suit, causing Juno to become incensed. The chapter covers a period of twenty-two days and takes place in the Greek camp, the town of Chrysa, and Olympus.

Mistral Tiny

This is … actually pretty good, if you don’t care about the details. And this is Mistral’s smallest model.

In this chapter from the Iliad, the wrath of Achilles leads to a plague on the Greek army, caused by Apollo in response to the disrespect shown to his priest Chryses. Achilles calls for a council to address the issue, but Agamemnon seizes Briseis, Achilles’ captive, in revenge. Achilles withdraws from the war, and his mother Thetis prays to Jupiter for vengeance. Jupiter grants her request, but Juno is angered and a debate ensues between her and Vulcan. In the end, the gods reconcile and the plague ends. The chapter covers the events of Book I of the Iliad and includes quotes from the text. The scene shifts between the Greek camp, Chrysa, and Olympus.

