Four Strategies for dealing with Script Kiddies / Probing / AttacksIf you’ve ever set up a website, you’ll notice a number of real annoying behaviours in the logs, such as:Feb 16Feb 16
Onamap-A “Virtual Tabletop” for Shadowdark (and more)This article series is about how I’m creating a VTT website called Onamap from scratch using Django. The goal is to be really really easy…Jan 25Jan 25
Onamap — Building a Django App From ScratchI have been using — on and off — Django since verison 1 in 2009. For the last four (!) years, I’ve been a senior developer at a company…Jan 21Jan 21
VFR in IFR: A possible use for Apple Vision ProApple Vision Pro (henceforth — AVP) is going to fail. It is going to fail, because no matter how good it is (and I’m sure it’s very good)…Jan 20, 2024Jan 20, 2024
A brief history of technologyIn rough chronological order. Draw your own conclusions.Feb 6, 2021Feb 6, 2021
Sorry Blockchain — Math requires Axioms, the Internet requires TrustI was listening to Oscar Santolalla’s excellent Let’s Talk About Digital Identity podcast the other morning — I believe this one, but…Jan 31, 2021Jan 31, 2021
JSON Web Signatures, using Node.JS and JOSE(s)The last time I had my head up, about four years ago, JSON Web Tokens (JWT) defined by RFC 7519 were all the rage. What I didn’t know was…Dec 31, 2020Dec 31, 2020
How to create an X.509 Public / Private Keypair — with no promptingYou’ll end up with two files “private.key.pem” and “public.cer.pem”. If you’re just playing around — which likely you are — the “subj” is…Dec 31, 2020Dec 31, 2020
Example of Pulling of Structured Data from Wikidata.orgWikidata is a free and open knowledge base that can be read and edited by both humans and machines. Wikidata acts as central storage for…Dec 17, 2020Dec 17, 2020